today's howtos
How to make a POST request using cURL on Ubuntu / Debian
The cURL command is a real Swiss army knife for network connections in the terminal. In this post, you will learn how to make a POST request with cURL. This way you will be able to quickly do some data sending tests.
How to Install Nginx Mainline on Rocky Linux EL9 or EL8
For those using Rocky Linux 8, you might have noticed that installing Nginx directly from its repository does not install the latest stable or mainline version. This is a common trend in most distributions that focus on the stability of packages and provide only urgent bugs or security updates until the subsequent major distribution.
The following tutorial will cover installing the last stable or mainline versions of Nginx on Rocky Linux 9 or Rocky Linux 8 using the official repository from with the command line terminal. The tutorial will cover importing both versions and enabling or disabling the repositories depending on your preference.
How to Install GIT on Rocky Linux EL9 or EL8
GIT is a free and open-source version control system that developers widely use for managing small or large projects. It allows multiple developers to work together on nonlinear development, as it tracks changes in source code for each branch of our project’s history. The following tutorial will teach you how to install the latest or upgrade GIT on Rocky Linux 9 or Rocky Linux 8 using the command line terminal, basic commands, and tips.
Install Ansible on Ubuntu
If you are looking for a way to automate the application deployment process, cloud instances, VMs, containers, and more, ansible will reduce the complexity in half!
And because the configuration file is written in plain English, so no stiff learning curve there!
So in this tutorial, I will walk you through how you can install ansible on ubuntu using the default repository and will also include a way to install the most recent version of ansible on Ubuntu.
How to Enable and Access Shared Folders in VirtualBox - TREND OCEANS
Looking for a way to share folders between virtual machines? Get up-to-speed with our guide on how to enable and access shared folders in VirtualBox.
How to Install Visual Studio Code on Rocky Linux EL9 or EL8 [Ed: Joshua James would be better off recommending one of the hundreds of very good text editors, not this proprietary spyware controlled by a company that attacks GNU/Linux]
HPC containers at scale using Podman |
This article describes recent work done at NERSC in collaboration with Red Hat to modify Podman (the pod manager tool) to run at a large scale, a key requirement for high-performance computing (HPC). Podman is an open source tool for developing, managing, and running containers on Linux systems. For more details about this work, please see our paper which will be published in the CANOPIE-HPC Supercomputing 2022 proceedings.
In the following demo video, we walk through pulling an image onto Perlmutter from the NERSC registry, generating a squashed version of the image using podman-hpc, and running the EXAALT benchmark at large scale (900 nodes, 3600 GPUs) via our podman-exec wrapper. NERSC's flagship supercomputing system is Perlmutter, currently number 7 on the Top 500 list. It has a GPU partition with over 6000 NVIDIA A100 GPUs and a CPU partition with over 6000 AMD Milan CPUs. All of the work described in this blog post has been performed on Perlmutter.
NERSC, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing center, is the US Department of Energy's production mission computing facility that serves the DOE Office of Science, which funds a wide range of fundamental and applied research. In the first half of 2022, more than 700 unique users used Shifter, the current container solution at NERSC, and general user interest in containers is growing.
Enabling Podman at a large scale on Perlmutter with near-native performance required us to address site integration, scalability, and performance. Additionally, we have developed two wrapper scripts to achieve two modes of operation: Podman container-per-process and podman-exec. Podman container-per-process mode describes the situation in which many processes are running on the node (usually in an MPI application), with one individual container running for each process. The podman-exec mode describes the situation in which there is a single container running per node, even if there are multiple MPI processes.
We ran several benchmarks with podman-hpc on Perlmutter to measure the performance of bare metal implementations: Shifter, Podman container-per-process, and podman-exec mode. The EXAALT benchmark runs the LAMMPS molecular dynamics application, the Pynamic benchmark simulates Python package imports and function invocations, and the DeepCAM benchmark is a climate data segmentation deep learning application. In general, the benchmarks suggest comparable performance between bare metal, Shifter, and podman-exec cases. The startup overhead incurred in Podman container-per-process can be seen in the results of both Pynamic and DeepCAM. In general, podman-exec was our best performing configuration, so this is the mode on which we will focus our future development efforts.