today's howtos
How to Install Wine (WineHQ) on Pop!_OS 22.04 | 20.04
Wine is a software application that translates Windows system calls into POSIX-compliant functions. This allows users to run Windows applications on POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, BSD, and macOS. Wine is not an emulator and does not require a copy of Windows to be installed. Instead, it uses its own set of libraries to provide the necessary functionality. Wine is open-source software released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The following tutorial will show you how to install the latest version using the command line terminal.
How to Install SeaMonkey on Ubuntu 22.10 | 22.04 | 20.04
SeaMonkey is a free and open-source Internet suite. It is the continuation of the former Mozilla Application Suite, based on the same source code, which grew out of Netscape Communicator and formed the base of Netscape 6 and Netscape 7. The SeaMonkey project intends to deliver a complete, seamless integration of Internet applications in one easy-to-use package with a browser, email- and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and simple HTML editing included. The following tutorial will demonstrate how to install SeaMonkey Internet Suite on your Ubuntu desktop from Ubuntuzilla.
Add listening ports to firewalld with Ansible | Enable Sysadmin
Ansible's community.general.listen_ports_facts module finds all listening TCP and UDP ports on your system.
How to format data with Column in Linux
Column is a free and open source utility usually installed as part of the util-linux package in all the most common Linux distribution, and therefore included in even the most minimal installations. With this utility we can organize the content of files or the output of other commands in columns, creating pretty tables or even producing JSON formatted documents.
In this tutorial we see how to use the “column” utility to format the content of a file as a table or JSON on Linux.