Shows/Podcasts: Linux Out Loud, mintCast, and TWIL
37: Spice of Linux - Linux Out Loud - TuxDigital
This week, Linux Out Loud chats about how variety is the spice of Linux.
Welcome to episode 37 of Linux Out Loud. We fired up our mics, connected those headphones as we searched the community for themes to expound upon. We kept the banter friendly, the conversation somewhat on topic, and had fun doing it.
399 - Lunar Eclipse? No, Lunar Lobster - mintCast
News 1:29 Security and Privacy 18:35 Biweekly Wanderings 20:8 Linux Innards 47:40 Vibrations By The Ether 1hr 25m Housekeeping and Announcements 1h 32m
First up in the news: The Kudu is out, with a Lobster on its tail, Fedora 37 is dragging, the next Kernel takes less power from the people, Steam Snap switches stacks, Flatpak gets Meson, and Linus wants to forget about 486;
In security and privacy: we get the first security update for the Kudu;
Then in our Wanderings: Joe goes to Micro Center, Moss is having a ball, and Bill is clouding around
In our Innards section, we continue our historical journey through Linux distros;
Ubuntu Flavours 22.10, Flatpak, KDE Neon, Steam Deck Dock, Tuxedo OS, and more Linux news! - Podcasts - TuxDigital
On this episode of This Week in Linux: we check out the 22.10 release of the Ubuntu Flavours, the latest release of Flatpaks format, a new distro from Tuxedo Computers, plus some interesting news from the GNOME project and the Linux kernel itself, all that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!