Games: Humble Bundle, Lutris, Steam, and More
Get PAYDAY 2 and a ton of DLC in the latest Humble Bundle
In the mood to play a co-op shooter? Humble Bundle has a huge PAYDAY 2: The Ultimate Score bundle ready for you. If you don't own it already that is, as it's not exactly a new game.
A new Beta of game manager Lutris fixes up Origin, Epic Games and Ubisoft Connect
Lutris, the open source game manager that can help you keep together all your games from various services on Linux and Steam Deck has a new Beta release fixing some big issues. The release in terms of changes is quite small but still an important one to keep it running smoothly.
Lucy Dreaming is a quality point and click adventure with great British humour
You know a game is going to be good, when you're already chuckling away in the first few minutes. Point and click adventure Lucy Dreaming is out now. Note: the developer sent a key over.
FIFA? Nah, give me more of Pixel Cup Soccer
Need more Football in your life? Yes, I said Football, get over it. Pixel Cup Soccer - Ultimate Edition is officially out now along with Native Linux support. This game took over from Pixel Cup Soccer 17, which the developer unlisted on Steam, as this big new version is quite different as the developer said "the essence of the new game is the same, the technological differences are huge".
GB Operator is a fun gadget for Game Boy fans tested on Steam Deck
Recently I mentioned GB Operator a little USB gadget that reads cartridges of the Game Boy, Game Boy Colour and Game Boy Advance. After giving it a go myself (personal purchase), I'm impressed and a little in love.
Steam Deck adds External Display Safe Mode setting, 30 second boot videos
Now the official Steam Deck Docking Station is out, a lot more people are testing the Steam Deck on external displays showing up numerous issues so Valve has added a little something to help.