Do you waddle the waddle?
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Highlights of OpenShot 3.3 include Cosmic Dusk as the default theme for a modern and stylish look, a Wayland-compatible color picker that allows color picking only from the OpenShot main window, customizable audio buffer size in preferences for optimal playback, and a Recovery menu for recovering previous auto-saved files.
Darktable 5.0 brings major UI/UX improvements like camera-specific styles for more than 500 camera models to more closely approximate the out-of-camera JPEG rendition, an optional splash screen showing startup progress, a high-contrast theme with bright white text on a dark gray background, more new-user hints on an empty Lighttable, and a global preference to swap the left and right side panels in the darkroom view.
Powered by the latest and greatest Linux 6.12 LTS kernel series, the CachyOS release for December 2024 enables AutoFDO (Automatic Feedback-Directed Optimization) for the default linux-cachyos kernel on all supported architectures for a slight performance boost.