Programming Leftovers
DevOps World 2022: Cloud-Native Will Force CI/CD Issue
It may have taken longer than anyone initially expected, but the cloud-native era for building and deploying applications has finally arrived. Nearly every major application development initiative being launched today is based on a microservices architecture that runs natively on platforms such as Kubernetes.
LLVM 15.0.1 Released!
I am happy to announce that LLVM 15.0.1 is now available!
We need more sub-languages :: Sébastien Wilmet's blog
Specifically for the GNOME community, Kell writes about GObject and its introspection system (GIR) in Towards a dynamic object model within Unix processes, with liballocs. I didn't try testing it in practice against codebases I work on, but it would be valuable.
RkBlog :: Watching docker logs in the browser with Python and Eel
Multiple microservices deployed with Kubernets and Docker mean multiple containers to check for logs when debugging or watching internal communication. It would be handy if we could look through logs in a more organized way - and that's how Docker-watcher was born.