Don't use Google Chrome. Bonus: Microsoft Azure Clown Computing
I’m sick of typing out why people should not use Google Chrome.
Instead, I can make this page to direct people to which sums up the major point.
Even before Chromium (the base of Chrome) gets rid of the ManifestV2 API for browser extensions next year (2023), it has already deleted APIs that ublock-origin and NoScript depended on for security guarantees.
ManifestV3 just makes things much worse, again.
AdGuard has already made a prototype extension that conforms to MV3, and it’s completely terrible according to users. (Warning: Google link) Ads load and then basically get hidden, so that they can spy on you regardless of whether you see them or not. And the rules limit makes it very hard to even do that.
Soon, the choice will be to use something like this or to not use Chrome at all.
Not using Chrome at all is a better option, and you can move your bookmarks and passwords over to another browser now while there’s still time.
I’ve never used Chrome for my default Web browser and refuse to install it on any machines where I need security. Google is the major threat to your security when you have their software on your computer.
Just having their repository allows them to install anything they want on your computer, which won’t complain about it even if it replaces your operating system files with malware, because you imported their signing key when you installed Chrome.
(This is essentially the same situation people who use Raspberry Pi OS face with the Microsoft repository, which is enabled by default.)
Chrome is too dangerous to use on the Web, for many reasons.
Primarily because the company that makes it is an ad tech that gives it away for “free” because it is malicious software designed to run other malicious software and display advertising.