Programming Leftovers
Valid temperatures | Playing Perl 6␛b6xA Raku
PWC 181 Task 2 asks for input validation of dates and numbers. OK, it should ask for input validation so my solution isn’t totally over the top. Better safe then sorry.
Grid Search CV in Sklearn
“The variables of a machine learning model that determine how the parameters will be tuned are known as hyperparameters. The problem of selecting a group of ideal hyperparameters for a learning algorithm is known as hyperparameter tuning. The hyperparameters can be configured manually or automatically. There are numerous algorithms available for this tweaking. One such method, GridSearchCV, will be covered in this blog.”
Class Method vs Static Method in Python
Let’s talk about the definition and usage of class and static methods in Python.
First Class Functions in Python
The “First Class Function” is supported by several programming languages including Lisp, Haskell, Scala, Julia, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Perl, as well as Go. Every Python functions were the first class function, to put it briefly. In just about any programming language, a function is considered a first-class variable and can therefore be provided as well as handled in the same way as the other types of objects (all objects in Python are considered to be objects), like an integer or a string for instance.
*args and **kwargs in Python
When there is а changeable number of parameters, the error is raised in the code. Then, would the function continue to be altered to take the precise number of arguments? In this case, *args and **kwargs are employed.
Whenever we’re unclear about how many arguments to send to a function, we might use *args (non-keyword arguments) and **kwargs (keyword arguments) for parameters.
How to Check if a String Contains Character in Java
The Java wrapper class “Character” wraps a primitive data type “char“. Java utilizes the “char” data type to hold a single character enclosed in single quotes (‘ ‘), as opposed to the “String” data type that belongs to the Java wrapper class “String”, used to carry a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotations (” “). There are times while writing Java code that you need to verify if a certain character or a group of characters are present in the sequence or not.
How to Check if an Object is Null in Java
Java is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that implements classes and objects. A unique instance of a class defines an object of the class. It is a self-contained entity with a state and behavior that facilitates mapping real-world entities while coding. The class defines the data and methods, and its object can utilize them to represent a specific entity.