today's leftovers
Vitalik Buterin Thinks Crypto Could Be the Linux of Finance by 2040 [Ed: Just using the brand "Linux" to legitimise a fake "coin" in a site that advertises casinos (among others). And by 2040 nobody will have heard of Vitalik Buterin; it's like old politicians promising climate goals/targets by some distant year when they're already long dead]
With the merge fast approaching this September, the debate of Proof of Work versus Proof of Stake has never been stronger, and Vitalik has shared some thoughts on where crypto is going, as well as the potential limitations of Bitcoin’s current consensus model.
Adding Room To Space- GSoC'22 post #14
I have implemented adding room to a Space.
The Month in WordPress - August 2022 - WordPress News
August has been a busy month, with the redesign of, new localized content on Learn WordPress, and the WordPress 6.0.2 security and maintenance release. But that’s not all! Read on to catch up on the latest WordPress news.