Today in Techrights
Updated This Past Day
Microsofters' War on Linux Takes New Forms, Pentagon Nowadays Controls Linux in More Ways
Remember what happened to OpenBSD when DARPA learned of its Pentagon-unfriendly stance
Only 75 Known Gemini Capsules Still Use Let's Encrypt (More Than 9 Out of 10 Self-Sign)
Some former HTTP/S sites go offline and move to Gemini
Microsoft Tying Together Its Proxies to Promote Proprietary Software and the GitHub Prison
It does more harm than good
Links 07/08/2024: Surveillance and Doxxing in Venezuelan, Plan to Invalidate UK Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023
Links for the day
Reminder: When You Rely on Third-Party Card and Payment Processors (and Realise You're a Slave of a Ruthless System)
When you expose war crimes, corruption, and other serious crimes while the powerful whom you are exposing control the financial institutions (or system)
Links 07/08/2024: Logitech's Horrifying Digital Restrictions (DRM) Fantasy and "Hey Hi" Bubble Already Bursting
Links for the day
Gemini Links 07/08/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Salix is on Gemini
Links for the day
Thoughts On 'SLUBStick' (Not a Severe Bug, Helps Distract From Lawsuits Against Microsoft Over Clownstrike Fiasco)
Clownstrike-gate showed Windows TCO of about 10 billion dollars (just for this one incident, not counting suffering to airline passengers and many dead patients, denied access to healthcare)
Dell Embracing the "Hey Hi" Revolution to Win the "Hey Hi" Arms Race, It's Not Laying Off Anybody!
Dell... generated by L.L.M.
Dell Wants Us to Think That Its Layoffs (12,500 People) Are Due to LLMs and Other Crock, the Media Repeats This Lie Unscrutinised
Sweatshops and reselling (Windows PCs) isn't a viable model
Microsoft Windows Falls From 100% to 25% in Morocco, GNU/Linux and ChromeOS Now Exceed 4% on Desktops/Laptops
About 90% of these are "proper" GNU/Linux users, not Google's "spyware on top of GNU/Linux" (Chrome)OS
"If it is not logic, it's magic. If it is not magic, it is female logic."
Someone can easily overthink this quote
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Turns 36, It's Older Than the World Wide Web
IRC is still alive and kicking
Slashdot Media and Linux Journal: Missing Pages, Allegedly
Doc Searls has begun reproducing his own articles
Probably the First Major GNU/Linux Distro to Adopt Gemini and Have an Official Gemini Capsule
Welcome to Gemini, Salix! Earning much respect among the 'Geminists' or 'the small Internet'
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, August 06, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, August 06, 2024
The corresponding text-only bulletin for Wednesday contains all the text.Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):