GNU/Linux Development and Programming Leftovers
Barry Kauler ☛ PKGget help page updated
The PKGget (PPM) window has a help button, that brings up a HTML page. I clicked on it, and realised that it is way out of date. It was last edited in 2013. Updated, and here it is:
Fedora Family / IBM
Fedora Magazine ☛ Fedora Magazine: Contribute at the Fedora GNU/Linux 40 i18n Test Week
The i18n team is testing changes for Fedora GNU/Linux 40 (ibus-anthy 1.5.16, IBus 1.5.30 and many more). As a result, the i18n and QA teams organized a test week from Tuesday, March 05, 2024, to Monday, March 11, 2024. The wiki page in this article contains links to the test images you’ll need to participate.
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Volker Krause ☛ OSM Hack Weekend February 2024
Last week I attended the bi-annual OSM Hack Weekend in Karlsruhe again, hosted by Geofabrik, focusing on indoor routing as well as Transitous.
Structured Email / Semantic Web
But first to something different (skip to the next section for OSM content).
While traveling to Karlsruhe anyway I used the opportunity to meet with people working on Structured Email, something that has a lot of overlap with the travel document extractor used by KDE Itinerary.
Rlang ☛ insufficient Gibbs sampling bridges as well!
Antoine Luciano, Robin Ryder and I posted a revised version of our insufficient Gibbs sampler on arXiv last week (along with three other revisions or new deposits of mine’s!), following comments and suggestions from referees.
Rlang ☛ Apply Now! R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) Grant Program Open for Proposals! [Ed: It's not what it seems]
Help build R infrastructure! We’re opening the call for proposals for the 2024 Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) Grant Program.
TecAdmin ☛ Write a Python Program to Identify Leap Years
In the world of programming, solving practical problems with efficient and elegant code is a skill highly prized. One such problem, seemingly simple but fundamental, is determining whether a given year is a leap year.
James Just James: Bash $PATH filtering
As most modern GNU+Linux distro users already know, you get a lot of tools included for free! Many of these may clutter up your $PATH and make bash tab completion more difficult than it has to be. Here’s a way to improve this!
TecAdmin ☛ Write a Java Program to Check Leap Year
In the realm of programming, understanding how to work with dates and times is crucial for a vast array of applications, from scheduling systems to historical data analysis. Among these tasks, determining whether a year is a leap year is a common challenge.