Red Hat Leftovers
How to deploy MicroShift on your laptop quickly | Enable Sysadmin
In previous articles, I explained how to generate a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 image with MicroShift. I relied on AWS services and a somewhat complicated process for those articles.
MicroShift is a project exploring how to optimize OpenShift (Red Hat's Kubernetes) for small form factor and edge computing. MicroShift's goal is to tailor OpenShift for field-deployed device use cases, providing a consistent development and management experience across all footprints.
Connect MongoDB to a Node.js application with kube-service-bindings | Red Hat Developer
This is the third and final article in a three-part series introducing kube-service-bindings for Node.js developers on Kubernetes. Together with the Service Binding Operator (SBO), kube-service-bindings makes it easier to share credentials for services with your applications.
The first article of this series offered background on the tools we're using, and the second set up some basic elements such as hosting on the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift and a MongoDB database. Now we're going to use all these tools to create a binding between our Node.js application and the database.
Enable backing services in Kubernetes with kube-service-bindings | Red Hat Developer
This is the second part of a three-part series explaining how to bind easily to databases and other backing services from Node.js applications running in Kubernetes. The first article in the series, Connect to services on Kubernetes easily with kube-service-bindings, introduced the tools we use for this simplified integration: kube-service-bindings and the Service Binding Operator (SBO).
In this article and the next, we'll set up a cluster with access to a MongoDB database. For our Kubernetes cluster, we use the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift, a free service for developers to experiment and learn about open source tools.
The articles use a MongoDB example hosted in GitHub to show you kube-service-bindings in action. This example will illustrate the process of deploying a Node.js and MongoDB application in OpenShift. The final step is to establish a connection between the processes with the Service Binding Operator and kube-service-bindings.
IT leadership: Why adaptability matters
Even Daniel Goleman – author of Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ – may not have anticipated the heightened role that emotional intelligence (EQ) plays in today’s workplace. EQ is now considered an essential leadership skill, the cornerstone of many management and leadership development programs.
Understanding EQ creates a foundation for exploring other aspects of human behavior. Decision-making, stress management, positivity, risk tolerance, and psychological safety are based on emotional intelligence.