Security Leftovers
Hong Kong Free Press ☛ Hong Kong passes cybersecurity law covering ‘critical infrastructure’
Hong Kong has passed a law meant to enhance safeguards for the city’s key infrastructure systems against cyberattacks, imposing fines of up to HK$5 million for cybersecurity lapses.
LWN ☛ Security updates for Thursday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (php7.4, python-django, and python3.9), Fedora (bluez, iwd, libell, and radare2), Mageia (chromium-browser-stable, mosquitto, tomcat, tomcat packages, and vim), Oracle (firefox, grub2, python3, thunderbird, and webkit2gtk3), Red Hat (fence-agents, php:7.4, and python-jinja2), SUSE (assimp-devel, crane, ffmpeg-4, freetype2, helm, kernel, kured, python-Django, python-Jinja2, python311-Django4, and tomcat), and Ubuntu (alpine, djoser, libxslt, postgresql-9.5, and valkey).
[Update: SUSE has put out a statement about the vulnerability; " -
SANS ☛ Some new Data Feeds, and a little "incident"., (Thu, Mar 20th)
Our API ( continues to be quite popular. One query we see a lot is lookups for individual IP addresses. Running many queries as you go through a log may cause you to get locked out by our rate limit. To help with that, we now offer additional "summary feeds" that include all data recently received. You may download these feeds and import them in your database of choice (or grep the text file for records). This will make bulk lookups a lot easier and faster.
While this is a serious vulnerability that needed to be fixed quickly, the impact was inaccurately described."]