Red Hat Leftovers
Red Hat Official ☛ Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform now available on Google Cloud Marketplace
Red Hat Official ☛ Mitigating threats against telco networks in the cloud
User management, hardening, network security, software integrity, auditing, certificates, and secrets management are some of the areas with a strong emphasis on telco infrastructure. Building on the foundation outlined in our introductory article, this article explores the security needs of telco.
Red Hat Official ☛ How Red Hat partners can help meet your VM platform needs
Recent market changes have opened the door for new VM solutions and vendor considerations, including the possibility of application modernization. Most companies have understood the importance of adopting new ways to deploy and manage the lifecycle of their applications, but they have also realized that the required technologies often call for platforms that are radically different from those used by their applications running on VMs. This means adding complexity to their IT infrastructure, increasing costs and difficulty for administrators.
Red Hat Official ☛ A no-cost introduction to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
In today’s economic landscape, IT automation has become a strategic imperative for businesses looking to move faster, optimize productivity and simplify operations. Organizations that embrace automation gain a competitive edge by speeding up processes, reducing errors, enhancing security and allowing their IT teams to focus on higher-value projects. Taking it a step further and moving to enterprise-wide automation helps organizations decrease costs, maximize their return on investment (ROI) and increase cross-collaboration between teams.
Red Hat ☛ DPU-enabled networking with OpenShift and NVIDIA DPF
In this article, we will explain how to enable NVIDIA DOCA Platform Framework with Red Hat OpenShift. We'll dive into how this combination provides hardware-enabled networking for containerized workloads, then demonstrate how this approach can improve performance, security, and resource utilization.
Red Hat ☛ A demonstration of the Network Observability CLI
In this article, we will demonstrate a few use cases for Network Observability CLI. We will also explain how to capture and identify traffic, check connectivity between two endpoints, determine the User Defined Networks involved, and display packets payload.
If you haven't read it yet, take a look at our Network Observability CLI 1.8 update article, to discover seven new features introduced in release 1.8.
Use cases for Network Observability CLI
For each of the following use cases, you must have the
netobserv CLI
installed and must be connected to your cluster using the following command: [...] -
Red Hat ☛ 7 new features in the Network Observability CLI 1.8
Last year, we released the Network Observability CLI, a lightweight flow and packet visualization tool. The first version of this tool captured flows or packets by running a simple command and reused NetObserv components without installing and configuring operators.
One small step for Red Hat, one giant leap for edge compute [Ed: Puff piece Red Hat Official ☛ cited by the company it is about]
Red Hat is teeing itself up to capitalize on a $1 billion+ edge cloud opportunity, but the location of its latest target just might surprise you. The software giant is teaming with Axiom Space to deploy its Device Edge product on a data processing prototype machine that is set to launch into orbit in the coming months and will live in the International Space Station.
Red Hat’s vision: open source and the future of AI [Ed: More buzzwords disguised as substance]
Scoop News Group ☛ Red Hat’s Adam Clater on navigating zero trust’s unknowns
As part of the 2025 Zero Trust Summit, Adam Clater, Chief Architect for Civilian Agencies at Red Hat, discussed the operational challenges government agencies face in implementing zero trust. He emphasized the importance of understanding end-user access control and automation. Clater noted that the vast scope of zero trust poses significant challenges, with many unknowns for senior executives. He stressed that the zero-trust journey is long and evolving, with goals potentially shifting as technology changes. Despite these challenges, Clater encouraged starting with user identification and moving forward with PIV to host authentication.
Bryan Lunduke ☛ IBM Lies to Shareholders About Discriminatory DEI Policies
Ahead of next month's I.C.B.M. Shareholder meeting, The Heritage Foundation (a shareholder) issued a proposal to investigate IBM's discriminatory hiring.