Programming Leftovers
Dirk Eddelbuettel ☛ Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppExamples 0.1.10: New factor Example, Other Updates
A new version 0.1.10 of the RcppExamples package is now on CRAN, and marks the first release in five and half years.
RcppExamples provides a handful of short examples detailing by concrete working examples how to set up basic R data structures in C++. It also provides a simple example for packaging with Rcpp. The package provides (generally fairly) simple examples, more (and generally longer) examples are at the Rcpp Gallery.
Perl / Raku
Rakulang ☛ Rakudo Weekly 2025.11 Cuddlies for Sale
Following up on a long-standing request by many, Wendy van Dijk has made it possible for anybody to get a Camelia cuddly toy (well, at a price) in their shop without actually having to go to a conference where they’d be selling these at special conference prices.
FreeBSD ☛ From Chaos to Clarity: How We Tackled FreeBSD’s 7,000 Bug Backlog
The FreeBSD team got on top of a huge backlog problem with help from data visualization tools. We set up dashboards to track and sort over 7,000 old bugs. Now we fix bugs twice as fast as new ones come in and respond to users more quickly.