Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Peter N M Hansteen ☛ That grumpy BSD guy: Open Source in Enterprise Environments - Where Are We Now and What Is Our Way Forward?
If you're a little younger you may remember a time when Windows NT is the future was essentially gospel and all the business pundits were saying we would be seeing the last of Unix and mainframes both within only a handful of years.
Thinking back to the late 1980s and early 1990s it is hard to imagine now how clear the consensus seemed to be on the issue at that point. The PC architecture and a few other proprietary technologies was the way of business and the way forward.
No discussion or dissent seemed possible.
Then, The Internet Happened
Bodo Tasche ☛ Going viral on mastodon
The last time this happened was a couple of years ago. And this time it was different. In many interesting ways.
So let’s go through some of the most noteworthy findings: [...]
Web Browsers/Web Servers
MB ☛ Vavaldi to Orion
During my recent escapade, experimenting with different ad-free solutions for watching YouTube on the Mac, I came across the Orion browser by Kagi. While not as customizable as Vivaldi, I did find some features that piqued my interest: [...]
Alexandru Nedelcu ☛ My Favorite Firefox Extensions
In my previous post, I mentioned that I now use Firefox as my main browser and you should too. Firefox’s strength is its extensions, with many available on Android devices as well. Here’s a list of my favorites.
David Rosenthal ☛ Archival Storage
I'm honored to appear in what I believe is the final series of these seminars. Most of my previous appearances have focused on debunking some conventional wisdom, and this one is no exception. My parting gift to you is to stop you wasting time and resources on yet another seductive but impractical idea — that the solution to storing archival data is quasi-immortal media. As usual, you don't have to take notes. The full text of my talk with the slides and links to the sources will go up on my blog shortly after the seminar.
Open Data
Doc Searls ☛ Lightning Up
Note the brown wedge-shaped polygons. Those are storm paths.