Free, Libre, and Open Source Software and Programming Leftovers
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Content Management Systems (CMS) / Static Site Generators (SSG)
WordPress ☛ WordPress 6.8 Beta 2
WordPress 6.8 Beta 2 is ready for download and testing! The scheduled final release date for WordPress 6.8 is April 15, 2025. Your help testing Beta and RC versions over the next five weeks is vital to ensuring the final release is everything it should be: stable, powerful, and intuitive.
Bryan Lunduke ☛ Legends of Open Source Under Attack by Leftist Extremists
The most prominent leaders in Free and Open Source Software (from Stallman to Torvalds) are regularly attacked, ostracized, or outright banned by Leftist Extremists.
LWN ☛ Two new graph-based functional programming languages []
Functional programming languages have a long association with graphs. In the 1990s, it was even thought that parallel graph-reduction architectures could make functional programming languages much faster than their imperative counterparts. Alas, that prediction mostly failed to materialize. Even though graphs are still used as a theoretical formalism in order to define and optimize functional languages (such as Haskell's spineless tagless graph-machine), they are still mostly compiled down to the same old non-parallel assembly code that every other language uses. Now, two projects — Bend and Vine — have sprung up attempting to change that, and prove that parallel graph reduction can be a useful technique for real programs.