Linux From Scratch 12.3 Version 12.3
Linux From Scratch 12.3 Version 12.3
Distro Watch ☛ Distribution Release: Linux From Scratch 12.3
Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project that provides you with the steps necessary to build your own custom Linux system from source code. The latest version of the project's handbook, version 12.3, introduces a handful of package updates and new security patches. [...]
LWN ☛ Linux from Scratch version 12.3 released
Version 12.3 of Linux From Scratch (LFS) has been released, along with Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS) 12.3. LFS provides step-by-step instructions on building a customized GNU/Linux system entirely from source, and BLFS helps to extend an LFS installation into a more usable system. Notable changes in this release include toolchain updates to GNU Binutils 2.44, GNU C Library (glibc) 2.41, and GNU/Linux 6.13.2. The Changelog has a full list of changes since the previous stable release.