Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
James Stanley ☛ How to abort calculations in OpenCascade
OpenCascade is an open-source CAD kernel. Mainly it is FreeCAD's CAD kernel. FreeCAD does (all?) document recomputes on the main thread. That means the user interface is totally blocked while it is working. Sometimes this is annoying because you realise you made a mistake and you want to make some changes and you don't even want the result of the recompute, but your only options are wait for it to finish calculating, or kill FreeCAD and lose all unsaved work.
Eric MacAdie ☛ I Made An Emacs Package
My package just does some formatting on math functions. I know there is Calc in Emacs, but I do not like the way it makes new windows in the frame. But I do plan on trying it out more. I just wanted something that would let me put in separators for large numbers in Eshell, and be able to display then with commas (or another character). So you could add numbers as strings: chamomiles aspics thighbone
SaaS/Back End/Databases
The New Stack ☛ 3 Foundational Principles for Writing Efficient SQL
In this article, I’ll lay the groundwork for productive SQL writing by giving tables clear names and avoiding data errors through normalization and constraints.
The second part of this series will cover ways to structure SQL to make it easier to read and debug. So, let’s start by looking at how to get the foundations in place.
Licensing / Legal
The Register UK ☛ Adverse appeals court ruling could kill GPL software license
If the appellate court upholds that decision, which endorsed database maker Neo4j's right to amend the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, governing the use of its software with new binding terms, current assumptions about the enforceability of copyleft licenses will no longer apply.
A summary of the situation: The GNU AGPLv3 is a free and open source software (FOSS) license largely based on the GNU GPLv3, both of which are published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). Neo4j provided database software under the AGPLv3, then tweaked the license, leading to legal battles over forks of the software. The AGPLv3 includes language that says any added restrictions or requirements are removable, meaning someone could just file off Neo4j's changes to the usage and distribution license, reverting it back to the standard AGPLv3, which the biz has argued and successfully fought against in that California district court.