Programming Leftovers
Rlang ☛ gt() doesn’t show Euro-Sign € in PDF, showing EUR instead
So I had to find a workaround. The easiest way for me was to use fmt_number() followed by text_transfor() instead of fmt_currency().
[Old] University of Otago ☛ Comments on NASA's 10 rules
I am criticising them from the point of view of people writing programming language processors (compilers, interpreters, editors) and application software.
We are supposed to teach critical thinking. This is an example.
[Old] Spin ☛ The Power of Ten – Rules for Developing Safety Critical Code1
These ten rules are being used experimentally at JPL in the writing of mission critical software, with encouraging results. After overcoming a healthy initial reluctance to live within such strict confines, developers often find that compliance with the rules does tend to benefit code clarity, analyzability, and code safety. The rules lessen the burden on the developer and tester to establish key properties of the code (e.g., termination or boundedness, safe use of memory and stack, etc.) by other means. If the rules seem Draconian at first, bear in mind that they are meant to make it possible to check code where very literally your life may depend on its correctness: code that is used to control the airplane that you fly on, the nuclear power plant a few miles from where you live, or the spacecraft that carries astronauts into orbit. The rules act like the seat-belt in your car: initially they are perhaps a little uncomfortable, but after a while their use becomes second-nature and not using them becomes unimaginable.
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ 2025-02-11 [Older] nicsell supports the German Perl Workshop
Perl ☛ 2025-02-11 [Older] Premium XS Integration, Pt 2
Perl ☛ 2025-02-11 [Older] When Laziness Isn't
Arne Sommer ☛ Exclusive or Common with Raku
You are given two array of strings, @str1 and @str2.
Write a script to return the count of common strings in both arrays.