The slow death of TuxFamily
TuxFamily is a French free-software-hosting service that has been in operation since 1999. It is a non-profit that accepts ""any project released under a free license"", whether that is a software license or a free-content license, such as CC-BY-SA. It is also, unfortunately, slowly dying due to hardware failures and lack of interest. For example, the site's download servers are currently offline with no plan to restore them.
A short history
According to a page on the site's wiki, TuxFamily was created by Julien Ducros to host projects for friends. It grew into a more general-purpose platform for free-software projects, and became a non-profit organization ("association loi de 1901") in 2001 to be able to accept donations for hardware. According to that history, by 2004 it provided services to more than 1,000 open-source projects and was ""an important actor in the free software development in France"".
In January 2004 the site was taken down by attackers, and a number of its administrators decided to quit TuxFamily. The remaining administrators and some new recruits set about rebuilding the service. It returned a year later in January 2005. During that time, the team created Virtual Hosting For Free Software (VHFFS), the software that now runs the site. It manages the services used to provide hosting, including DNS, downloads, mailing lists, version-control hosting, and more. The most recent release listed on its download page is VHFFS 4.6.0, which was published in October 2016. The project has had commits since the 4.6 release but it has not published anything—even security releases—since.