Security and Windows TCO
LWN ☛ Security updates for Wednesday
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (rsync), Debian (rsync), Fedora (perl-Net-OAuth and redis), Red Hat (ipa, raptor2, rsync, and tuned), Slackware (rsync), SUSE (apache2-mod_jk, git, kernel, rclone, rsync, and webkit2gtk3), and Ubuntu (git, linux-azure-5.4, pdns, pdns-recursor, python-django, rlottie, and rsync).
PCLOS Official ☛ PCLinuxOS Recent Updates
LWN ☛ Six vulnerabilities discovered in rsync
Nick Tait announced on the oss-security mailing list that rsync, the widely used file transfer program, had a number of serious vulnerabilities.
Neowin ☛ Rsync package in Ubuntu distros updated to fix remote code execution bugs, download now
If you are running an Ubuntu-based operating system such as Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, and even Linux Mint, you really need to apply available updates to patch the rsync package. Fixes have just been issued to address numerous vulnerabilities that allow remote code execution and affect servers and client machines.
SANS ☛ The Curious Case of a 12-Year-Old Netgear Router Vulnerability, (Wed, Jan 15th)
Routers play an essential role in networking and are one of the key components that allow users to have internet connectivity. Vulnerabilities in routers could result in reduced speeds or the possibility of vulnerable equipment being compromised and turned into part of a botnet.
Windows TCO / Windows Bot Nets
European Commission ☛ Commission unveils action plan to protect the health sector from cyberattacks
Today, the Commission has presented an EU action plan aimed at bolstering the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers.
European Commission ☛ Questions and answers on cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers
Why has the European Commission proposed an Action Plan on cybersecurity in healthcare?
Scoop News Group ☛ Law enforcement action deletes PlugX malware from thousands of machines
The remote access trojan was being used by a Chinese collective operating since 2014.