Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Thunderbird ☛ Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest - December 2024 - The Thunderbird Blog
Happy New Year Thunderbirders! With a productive December and a good rest now behind us, the team is ready for an amazing year. Since the last update, we’ve had some successes that have felt great. We also completed a retrospective on a major pain point from last year. This has been humbling and has provided an important opportunity for learning and improvement.
Brandon ☛ A Month of Hosting my Single User Instance
So, what is the user experience like running your own instance? It's been flawless. Everything has worked, I have a few more settings, but otherwise everything is the same. All my followers are there, conversations still flow, pictures show up, and there have been zero hiccups. The only issue I've run into is I have to be careful when exploring someone old posts. I sometimes have to fetch their old posts or visit their instance to see them. This made for one embarrassing reply I made to a stranger since I thought no one else replied, but my instance just didn't generate those responses. However, it's pretty rare for me to seek out strangers on Mastodon, so this is a very minor inconvenience.
Julia Evans ☛ What's involved in getting a "modern" terminal setup?
My immediate reaction was “oh, getting a modern terminal experience isn’t that hard, you just need to….”, but the more I thought about it, the longer the “you just need to…” list got, and I kept thinking about more and more caveats.
So I thought I would write down some notes about what it means to me personally to have a “modern” terminal experience and what I think can make it hard for people to get there.