Two Debian Based Distributions
Mobian - Debian derivative for mobile devices - LinuxLinks
Mobian is a Debian-based distro intended for smartphones and other mobile devices.
Mobian supports a growing range of devices, with installation procedures varying depending on the operating system they were originally meant to run. Mobian primarily targets Linux-first devices, i.e. mobile devices made with the intent of running a Linux as the primary operating system, such as Pine64 devices and Purism’s Librem 5. Those devices rely on software components widely used in the embedded software ecosystem, such as the u-boot bootloader and a (lightly patched) mainline Linux kernel.
Mobian uses the Phosh ((Phone shell) graphical system which is based on GTK. It supports a range of software including Firefox, Chromium, Calls, Files, Telegram messaging app, MPV media player, GNOME 2048, and more.
TileOS - Debian based Linux distribution using tiling window managers - LinuxLinks
TileOS is a Debian-based distro using tiling window managers as its user interface. TileOS is designed for both beginners who want to try tiling window manager environments and experienced Linux users who want a stable, comfortable and flexible keyboard-oriented user environment.
There are three editions available. The Sway Edition features Sway, a lightweight and highly customizable Wayland compositor that’s designed to be compatible with the i3 window manager but is built using Wayland.
There’s also a River Edition which features River, a minimalistic and lightweight dynamic Wayland compositor. The final edition features Qtile, a highly customizable, dynamic tiling window manager written in Python.