Linux, BSD, Openwashing, and More
LWN ☛ Security updates for Wednesday
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (sympa and tomcat), Red Hat (kernel), and SUSE (poppler).
The BSD Now Podcast ☛ BSD Now 591: The Three Wise Men (hosts)
In this special episode, we are interviewing ourselves with the questions that out audience asked us many moons ago. Stay tuned for some insights about hobbies, all things computers, projects, and a whole lot more. Have fun and happy holidays!
Kernel Space
LWN ☛ A last look at the 4.19 stable series
The release of the 4.19.325 stable kernel update on December 5 marked the end of an era of sorts. This kernel had been supported for just over six years since its initial release in October 2018; over that time, 325 updates were released, adding 30,109 fixes. Few Linux kernels receive public support for so long; it is worth taking a look at this kernel's history to see how it played out.
The 4.19 release is unique in that it was made in a time of uncertainty in the Linux community; Linus Torvalds had taken a break from his role to rethink how he worked within the community. Meanwhile, developers were working to adopt and understand the kernel's new code of conduct. That uncertainly is nearly forgotten now, though; the pace of development never slowed, and the new normal (quite similar to the old normal) was quickly established. But 4.19 remains special as the only mainline release that was not made by Torvalds.
Distributions and Operating Systems
Hackaday ☛ When It Comes To DOS, Don’t Forget DR-DOS.
Despite the latest and greatest Intel-derived computers having multi-core 64-bit processors and unimaginably fast peripherals, at heart they all still retain a compatibility that goes back to the original 8086. This means that they can, in theory at least, still run MS-DOS. The venerable Microsoft 16-bit OS may now be long discontinued, but there is still enough need for DOS that the open-source FreeDOS remains in active development. The Register are here to remind us that there’s another open-source DOS on the block, and that it has a surprising history.
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Medevel ☛ Why Supabase is the Open-Source Firebase Alternative You Need
Firebase has been a favorite backend solution for developers worldwide, including myself. It simplifies authentication, offers real-time capabilities, and scales seamlessly.
Open Source Initiative ☛ Open Source Hey Hi (AI) and policy from the perspective of East Asia [Ed: Openwashing nonsense and slop]
This article is contributed by Amos Li from OCF, Che Wei Liu from g0v Jothon, and Peter H.R. Chu from COSCUP under CC BY 4.0.
ShmooCon ☛ Final Round… – ShmooCon
So, by our definition, we sold out in 7.87 seconds. At this point all tickets are accounted for and we take down the registration link. It does take longer for reservations to be completed.