Programming Leftovers
Leon Mika ☛ That Which Didn't Make The Cut
I did a bit of a clean-up of my projects folder yesterday, clearing out all the ideas that never made it off the ground. I’d figured it’d be good to write a few words about each one before erasing them from my hard drive for good.
I suppose the healthiest thing to do would be to just let them go. But what can I say? Should a time come in the future where I wish to revisit them, it’d be better to have something written down than not. It wouldn’t be the first time I wished this was so.
Anyway, here are the ones that were removed today. I don’t have dates of when these were made or abandoned, but it’s likely somewhere between 2022 and 2024.
Chris Wellons ☛ Rules to avoid common extended inline assembly mistakes
GCC and Clang inline assembly is an interface between high and low level programming languages. It is subtle and treacherous. Many are ensnared in its traps, usually unknowingly. As such, the asm keyword is essentially the unsafe keyword of C and C++. Nearly every inline assembly tutorial, including the awful ibilio page at the top of search engines for decades, propagate fundamental, serious mistakes, and most examples are incorrect. The dangerous part is that the examples usually produce the expected results! The situation is dire. This article isn’t a tutorial, but basic rules to avoid the most common mistakes, or to spot them in code review.
Qt ☛ Qt Safe Renderer 2.2.0 Beta1 Released
We have released Qt Safe Renderer 2.2.0 Beta1 for commercial license holders today. The release provides a snapshot of upcoming QSR 2.2.0 features:
Remi Collet ☛ Remi Collet: PHP version 8.2.27, 8.3.15 and 8.4.2
RPMs of PHP version 8.4.2 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).
RPMs of PHP version 8.3.15 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).
RPMs of PHP version 8.2.27 are available in the remi-modular repository for Fedora ≥ 39 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 8 (RHEL, Alma, CentOS, Rocky...).
There is no security fix this month, so no update for version 8.1.31.
Gentoo ☛ Poetry(-core), or the ultimate footgun
I’ve been complaining about the Poetry project a lot, in particular about its use (or more precisely, the use of poetry-core) as a build system. In fact, it pretty much became a synonym of a footgun for me — and whenever I’m about to package some project using poetry-core, or switching to it, I’ve learned to expect some predictable mistake. I suppose the time has come to note all these pitfalls in a single blog post.
Linux Handbook ☛ 5 Ways to Convert .ipynb Files to PDF
You cannot share Jupter Notebook's ipynb files with everyone. However, if you convert it to PDF, sharing becomes easier. Here's how to do it.
Thoughtbot Inc ☛ Optimize your shell experience
As developers we spend a fair amount of time in the shell. I believe we should master our tools as that’ll make work easier.
Instead of just telling you exactly what to do, I’ll show you my process so you can optimize your shell for yourself, your work and your own enjoyment.
Robert Haas ☛ Robert Haas: needs your submissions!
The call for proposals for has been extended to January 6, 2025, otherwise known as "very soon". I'm writing this post to encourage you to submit, if you haven't done so yet, regardless of whether you have submitted to or its predecessor, PGCon, in the past. The event will only be as good as the content you (collectively) submit, and having found much value in these events over the years that I've been participating, I very much want our future events to be as good as those in the past, or, hopefully, even better. But what makes a good event, and what kind of talk should you submit?
RIPE ☛ Securing Time for Any Device: Results From the Roughtime Hackathon at IETF 121
A Roughtime Hackathon at IETF 121 led by Netnod’s Technical Consultant, Marcus Dansarie, brought together developers and researchers to refine the protocol and its implementations. In this article, we summarise some of the outcomes from the hackathon.