today's leftovers
WINE or Emulation
Net2 ☛ Top 10 Android Emulators for Linux
As technology keeps evolving, the demand for top-notch Android emulators for GNU/Linux has exploded. Android emulators are nifty software that lets you run Android apps on your computer, creating a virtual Android environment for testing, development, or gaming.
Godot Engine ☛ Meet the creator behind the Godot Game Awards
StayAtHomeDev has been sharing his passion on YouTube for over two years and now he's running the awards.
Desktop Environments/WMs
K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt
Bryan Lunduke ☛ GNOME & KDE Team Up on Paid Flathub Software Store
GNOME broke and doing layoffs, KDE searching for revenue, & an ill-fated App Store project.
Distributions and Operating Systems
Debian Family
Freexian Collaborators: Debian Contributions: OpenMPI transitions, cPython 3.12.7+ update uploads, Python 3.13 Transition, and more! (by Anupa Ann Joseph, Stefano Rivera)
Debian Contributions: 2024-11
is made possible by organizations subscribing to our Long Term Support
contracts and consulting
Transition management, by Emilio Pozuelo MonfortEmilio has been helping finish the mpi-defaults switch to mpich on 32-bit
architectures, and the openmpi transitions.
This involves filing bugs for the reverse dependencies, doing NMUs, and
requesting removals for outdated (Not Built from Source) binaries on 32-bit
architectures where openmpi is no longer available. Those transitions got
entangled with a few others, such as the petsc stack, and were blocking many
packages from migrating to testing. These transitions were completed in early
Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications
The Guardian UK ☛ Lord of the ringtones: Nokia celebrates pop-culture status by opening design archive
This is not as hyperbolic as it sounds – in 1998, the Finnish consumer electronics company was the bestselling phone brand in the world, with 40% of the world market and 70% of the UK market.
The cultural impact of Nokia will be properly recognised for the first time on 15 January when the company’s design archive goes on display. Finland’s Aalto University has acquired the archive and will make it available through an online curated portal and by appointment.
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Collabora ☛ Academically inclining at NeurIPS 2024
Collabora will be at NeurIPs this week to dive into the latest academic findings in machine learning and research advancements that are changing the industry.