Programming Leffoverrs
Marcus Buffett ☛ A Made-up Name is Better Than No Name
I got so used to thinking of these things together as pairs, and wished I had a name for it. I couldn’t think of an existing name that worked well and wasn’t a mouthful like MoveFromPosition. So I made up a name. Anything that’s an EPD and a San, is now a Kep. Because that’s the first thing that popped in my head. It’s a short, made-up name to nicely refer to a position string and a move notation.
Jennifer Moore ☛ Gresham's law of programming
You may have heard of Gresham's law before, even if you don't know it by name. It's the observation that "bad money drives out good." It's a phenomenon that's been observed in economics for about as long as there's been a study of economics. To quickly summarize, it applies when you have multiple circulating currencies with the same face value, but different intrinsic values. For instance, if you have coins of different materials; or bank notes backed by different standards. In that case, everyone in the market has an incentive to hold the more intrinsically valuable currency, and only exchange the less valuable one. In fairly short order, you'll find that only the less valuable currency is circulating. This effectively reduces the total value of the economy's monetary supply.
Now that we're on the same page, I can get to the main point: the exact same dynamic plays out with software development.
Rlang ☛ Simulating Ponzi schemes by @ellis2013nz
I recently read John Cox’s 2018 book Fast Money Schemes: Hope and Deception in Papua New Guinea and gave it a rare (for me) five star rating. It’s fascinating research into those involved in the U-Vistract pyramid scheme.
Rlang ☛ Codes postaux
LWN ☛ Rust 1.83.0 released
1.83.0 of the Rust language has been released.