Open Hardware/Modding: ESP32, KiCad, and More
CNX Software ☛ DFRobot EDGE102-DMX512 lighting controller combines ESP32-S3 MCU and DMX512 protocol chip
DFRobot’s EDGE102-DMX512 is a DMX512 lighting programming controller based on ESP32-S3 wireless MCU designed for efficient management of stage, theater, and venue lighting. With integrated WiFi and Bluetooth, the controller supports wireless programming and control, simplifying the setup of advanced lighting systems. It offers RS485 (master/slave modes) interfaces, I2C, UART, and GPIO pins for compatibility with a wide range of sensors and boards.
Hackaday ☛ Supercon 2024 SAO Petal KiCad Redrawing Project
Last week I completed the SAO flower badge redrawing task, making a complete KiCad project. Most of the SAO petals are already released as KiCad projects, except for the Petal Matrix. The design features 56 LEDs arranged in eight spiral arms radiating from the center. What it does not feature are straight lines, right angles, nor parts placed on a regular grid.
Montana Linux ☛ Video: MiSTer Pi, a much cheaper alternative to the Terassic DE10-Nano for the MiSTer FPGA project.
Video: MiSTer Pi, a much cheaper alternative to the Terassic DE10-Nano for the MiSTer FPGA project.
Make Tech Easier ☛ How I Turned My Raspberry Pi Into a Private Internet Archive
After the Internet Archive breach, I built my own private Internet archive using a Raspberry Pi and ArchiveBox. Here's how I did it.