Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Pi My Life Up ☛ Setting up Moonlight on your Raspberry Pi
Moonlight is one of the best self-hosted game streaming platforms that you can use. It allows you to easily create a low latency, high-definition link between a more powerful gaming device running Sunshine and a weaker device such as the Raspberry Pi.
Michael Tsai ☛ Postbox Discontinued
There’s a migration guide. I know that eM Client has some dedicated fans, and I’ve received requests over the years for SpamSieve to work with it. Unfortunately, eM Client does not support plug-ins or have any meaningful AppleScript support. Some customers are running Apple Mail in the background to filter their mail with SpamSieve. They can correct any mistakes from within eM Client by moving messages to special TrainSpam and TrainGood mailboxes. I’m open to working with eM Client if they would like to add direct integration.
Mozilla ☛ Celebrating Chicago’s creators and small businesses at Firefox’s ‘Free to Browse’ event
With winter on the horizon, Chicago is ready to show that nothing — not wind, nor snow — can cool the fire of a united community.
Licensing / Legal
Alex Ewerlöf ☛ Service Level Terminology
In the context of service levels, there are multiple terms that are related to each other. These terms are used in the upcoming features of Service Level Calculator: [...]