Programming Leftovers
College robots, tweaked with Scratch, inspire younger students
Brody Riopelle, an engineer in the U-M Robotics Department, is working to introduce younger students without any programming knowledge to robotics.
Perl / Raku
Rakulang ☛ RakudoWeekly 2024.42 Burritonads
Steve Roe continued their series about functional programming in the Raku Programming Language with Raku Burritos, looking at translating code from F# and introducing a >>= infix operator. Interesting stuff! On Microsoft's proprietary prison Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub Will Coleda has posted a request for Microsoft's proprietary prison Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub to make the ordering of the Rakudo release announcements a bit more logical.
Rlang ☛ Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part2, R version
Gradient boosting with any regression algorithm in Python package mlsauce.
Thorsten Ball ☛ Joy & Curiosity #10
Last week we took the kids to a small amusement park. We got there early and when we walked in, employees of the park were still getting the park ready for the day: sweeping, feeding animals, raking leaves, putting new bags in trash cans. And I kept thinking: “this is exactly like in Rollercoaster Tycoon!”
So this week, let me remind you: “Sawyer wrote 99% of the code for RollerCoaster Tycoon in x86 assembly language for the Microsoft Macro Assembler, with the remaining one percent written in C.”