today's leftovers
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-09-22 [Older] Linux Weekly Roundup #300
2024-09-25 [Older] Piju 9M2PJU: The Rise of PCMCIA Cards as Cryptographic Security Modules in the 1990s
Tor ☛ Arti 1.2.8 is released: onion services, RPC, and more
Arti is our ongoing project to create a next-generation Tor client in Rust. Now we're announcing the latest release, Arti 1.2.8.
This release adds numerous new features for onion service key management, and continues backend development for memory quota support, Relay support, and the RPC subsystem. For full details on what we've done, and for information about many smaller and less visible changes as well, please see the CHANGELOG.
Mozilla ☛ Creating a public counterpoint for AI
Look around. There are buses driving alongside cars on the road. Some of your packages are delivered by private couriers, others are delivered by the national postal service. You can flip the channel on your TV back and forth between public broadcasting and commercial networks. And when you access the internet, you can choose between a commercial or nonprofit-backed web browser.