today's leftovers
Linux Gizmos ☛ Radxa Reveals Specs for Siengine SE1000-I Single Board Computer with Linux Support
The SiRider S1 is an upcoming industrial-grade single-board computer jointly developed by Radxa, Siengine Technology, and Arm China. It features the Siengine SE1000-I System-on-Chip, a powerful AIoT application processor built using 7nm technology.
Linux Gizmos ☛ (Updated) W55RP20-EVB-PICO: Integrating W5500 TCP/IP Controller and RP2040
The W55RP20-EVB-Pico evaluation board combines the W55RP20 MCU with the W5500 wired TCP/IP controller and the RP2040 from the Raspberry Pi Pico. This allows it to support both Raspberry Pi Pico functionalities and Ethernet capabilities.
FLOSS Weekly Episode 802: Emba – Layers Upon Layers Of Bash
This week Jonathan Bennett and and Randal Schwartz chat with Michael and Benedikt about Emba, the embedded firmware analyzer that finds CVEs and includes the kitchen sink! It does virtualization, binary analysis include version detection, and more. Check it out!
Debian Family
LWN ☛ Debating ifupdown replacements for Debian trixie
Debian does not have an official way to configure networking. Instead, it has four recommended ways to configure networking, one of which is the venerable ifupdown, which has been part of Debian since the turn of the century and is showing its age. A conversation about its maintainability and possible replacement with ifupdown‑ng has led to discussions about the default network-management tools for Debian "trixie" (Debian 13, which is expected in 2025) and beyond. No route to consensus has been found, yet.
Time to retire ifupdown?
The classic ifupdown is a set of custom scripts for configuring networking in Debian that became a project in its own right after the Debian "potato" release in 2000. Debian now has not one, but several implementations of ifupdown. In addition to ifupdown-ng, there is ifupdown2, which is an implementation in Python with a largely closed development model involving a private repository where changes are later pushed into a public repository. BusyBox has its own ifupdown implementation as well.
Red Hat Official ☛ Accelerating adoption of automation through a community of practice
Makes automation consumable by everyone.
Red Hat Official ☛ When LLMs day dream: Hallucinations and how to prevent them [Ed: Red Hat entertaining Microsoft nonsense and uses the same misleading terms that belittle a reality wherein LLMs are worthless, unmitigated nonsense]
An "AI hallucination" is a term used to indicate that an AI model has produced information that's either false or misleading, but is presented as factual. This is a direct result of the model training goal of always predicting the next token regardless of the question. It can be difficult to tell whether information provided by AI contains learned facts or a hallucination. This is a problem when you're trying to use an LLM for critical purposes and applications such as those used in healthcare or finance.