Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Hundred Rabbits ☛ weathering software winter
As a closing remark, I want to say that I don't think that my attempt is the best solution to data preservation, I'm not even sure if I'm gonna be able to use that system in five years, but at least it's one attempt at trying to preserve things.
Permacomputing is inspired from permaculture, its goal is to build resilience. The resilience of permaculture comes from trying different ideas, and seeing what sticks. If we all jump on the same language, and the same ecosystem, it makes it really fragile when one individual can just buy the whole thing, then you're left with a system that was never truly yours.
Lee Peterson ☛ Thinking about leaving WordPress over the Jetpack app breaking the rules
Here’s my biggest bugbear right now, the app will ask me about my feedback even though I have the App Store setting to stop apps from asking me for feedback, I am not sure how the WordPress app (AKA Jetpack) is getting around this but this happens enough for me to just close the app and not even post with it.
James G ☛ The separation of writing and publishing tools
Ghost, which I use to publish some professional content, does not feel like a writing tool. It feels like the place I go to format a tool before publication. When I am in Ghost, I am thinking more about my publishing checklist. Does this post have a good title? Does this post have a meta description? What callouts do I need to add? What videos need compressed? How does the content look in preview mode? Indeed, publishing, like writing, is a process.
Open Data
Deccan Chronicle ☛ Datathon for creating Telugu language model to preserve cultural history announced
The datathon represents a significant step towards collecting and digitizing a diverse range of Telugu linguistic and cultural resources. Participants will gather data from various oral sources, including folk tales, songs, local histories, and traditional knowledge about food and cuisine. By engaging with these rich oral traditions, the datathon will play a crucial role in preserving and promoting the Telugu language and its cultural heritage.
[Repeat] Buttondown ☛ Logic for Programmers now in early access!
I want to emphasize the book is early access; meaning it's not close to done yet. I'm releasing it now so I can get feedback from readers and use that to decide what I write next. But I'm only willing to release it because I think, even in its current state, it's worth reading. I'm just promising it'll be even better in a few months.