Open Hardware: DIY, RP2040, and Mobile
Rebooting Electronics ☛ Upgrading the Stairwell Foot-lighting Project – Rebooting Electronics
The Timed LED Lighting Control project has been driving the LEDs in our stairwell since 2017. The system is based on two modules. A custom built LED driver, which has been running faultlessly, and a Raspberry Pi + Django based user interface. This year the user interface module died. In this post, I describe the creation of a new user interface module based on the ESP32.
Arduino ☛ A desktop-sized DIY vending machine for your room
The best part is that you can build this with some cardboard and off-the-shelf electronic components. The enclosure and almost all of the mechanical parts are cardboard. The electronics include an Arduino Mega 2560 board, a keypad, an LCD display, an RFID reader module, LEDs, and servo motors. The servos must be full-rotation models, so they can drive the vending mechanisms.
Adafruit ☛ A 6502 computer using an RP2040 for heavy lifting
Olimex has recently launched NEO6502 an open-source hardware retro computer designed for educational and entertainment purposes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used for retro gaming.
CNX Software ☛ Olimex NEO6502 is a W65C02 and Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered retro computer with HDMI, USB, and more - CNX Software
Olimex has recently launched NEO6502 an open-source hardware retro computer designed for educational and entertainment purposes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used for retro gaming. The board is very unique as it’s built around a 65C02 MPU and Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 MCU in a dual-processor configuration. The MOS6502 handles the Apple II, Oric, and Commodore 64 emulators whereas the RP2040 handles everything else including HDMI (DVI) video output using the PicoDVI project.
Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications
Thomas Rigby ☛ I don't have time for your cutesy error messages
I want clear error messages; what actually went wrong? "Something" is a lazy cop out.
University of Toronto ☛ Modifying and setting alarm times: a phone UI irritation
My phone's standard alarm app has what I believe is the common phone interface for setting and modifying alarm times, where you set the hour and the minute separately. There are two problems with this.
USMC ☛ Marines implement new QR code system to report barracks problems
How QSR Max works: [...]