today's howtos
Rachel ☛ Debian/Raspbian rngd with -S0 will bite you after a week
I've been using my Raspberry Pis for some data collection purposes, and noticed some of them doing a few things which seemed suboptimal. There's this process called "rngd" which really likes to wake up every so often and announce stuff about what it's been up to. It's usually about every hour, and it tends to push a dozen lines to the syslog, none of which I care about.
Aral Balkan ☛ Small Web: computer science colloquium at University of Groningen – Aral Balkan
Two weeks ago, I presented a computer science colloquium on the Small Web at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands to post grad students and professors.
In the talk, I take you through what the Small Web is and the current state of Kitten, Domain, and Yarn, showing you how to: [...]
ID Root ☛ How To Install HandBrake on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install HandBrake on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. HandBrake is a versatile, cross-platform video transcoding application that supports a wide range of input and output formats.
ID Root ☛ How To Install HandBrake on Fedora 40
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install HandBrake on Fedora 40. HandBrake is a powerful, open-source video transcoder that allows you to convert video files from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Webmin on Fedora 40
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Webmin on Fedora 40. Webmin is a powerful, web-based system administration tool that simplifies the management of GNU/Linux servers. It provides an intuitive interface for managing various aspects of your server, such as user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing, and much more.
Linux Capable ☛ How to Disable SELinux on Fedora 40 or 39
Linux Capable ☛ How to Enable Contrib and Non-Free on Debian 12, 11 or 10
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install Nginx Mainline on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, or 20.04
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install Nginx on Fedora 40 or 39
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install Git on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, or 20.04
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install MySQL 8.0 on Debian 12, 11 or 10
Linux Capable ☛ Two Methods to Install MariaDB on Debian 12, 11 or 10
Linux Capable ☛ How to Upgrade Mesa Drivers on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, or 20.04
- ☛ Python on GNU GNU/Linux mate how to run script in external separate terminal window
TecAdmin ☛ How to Share GNU/Linux Terminal with tmate: A Step-by-Step
Sharing your terminal can be useful in many situations, like when you need help with a problem or want to show someone how to do something. One easy way to do this on GNU/Linux is by using a tool called tmate.
How to Install and Configure a TFTP Server on Ubuntu 24.04
Learn the commands for installing TFTP on Ubuntu 24.04 GNU/Linux to perform the basic transfer of files. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a lightweight alternative to standard FTP for transferring files between networked devices.
TechRepublic ☛ How to Manage Processes in Linux
No matter your GNU/Linux system, be it desktop or server, there will be quite a large number of processes running at any given time. Hopefully those processes are all running as expected.