Open Hardware/Modding Leftovers
Linux Gizmos ☛ Robotic Platform Built on RISC-V Milk-V Meles with ROS2 Support
At the 2024 XUANTIE RISC-V Ecosystem Conference, a collaborative effort between Yahboom, milK-V, and ALIBABA DAMO Academy led to the unveiling of the RISC-V MicroROS educational robot. This robot, based on the Milk-V Meles SBC, is now available for purchase and provides an advanced learning platform for robotics enthusiasts and students.
Linux Gizmos ☛ Neo6502 A Modern Open Source Retro Computer with W65C02 and RP2040
This dual-processor setup enables the Neo6502 to surpass traditional 6502-based systems in speed and efficiency by removing memory transfer bottlenecks between the processor and graphics. The device includes 2MB of Flash, 64k RAM, and 32k Graphics RAM, supporting complex computations and enhanced graphics.
Linux Gizmos ☛ CY8CKIT-062S2-AI Kit: Ready-to-Deploy ML Models and Comprehensive Onboard Sensors
The CY8CKIT-062S2-AI PSoC 6 Hey Hi (AI) Evaluation Kit from Infineon Technologies provides a compact and powerful platform for developers interested in edge Hey Hi (AI) applications.
Hackaday ☛ Learning Morse Code With A DIY Trainer
Morse code, often referred to as continuous wave (CW) in radio circles, has been gradually falling out of use for a long time now. At least in the United States, ham radio licensees don’t have to learn it anymore, and the US Coast Guard stopped using it even for emergencies in 1999. It does have few niche use cases, though, as it requires an extremely narrow bandwidth and a low amount of power to get a signal out and a human operator can usually distinguish it even if the signal is very close to the noise floor. So if you want to try and learn it, you might want to try something like this Morse trainer from [mircemk].
Terence Eden ☛ How to cope with a broken HDMI port during a presentation
Look, if it's stupid but it works; it's not stupid!
SparkFun Electronics ☛ 2024-06-21 [Older] Precise Ranging, Smooth Networking
SparkFun Electronics ☛ 2024-06-19 [Older] Machinechat + DataLogger IoT, Quick Data Visualization
SparkFun Electronics ☛ 2024-06-18 [Older] Join the XRP Design Challenge on Printables!