Free Software Leftovers
Brandon ☛ Adding a "Reply on Mastodon" to each post | NOT ALL WHO WANDER ARE LOST
The hard part about this is that those posts come after an article is published which makes automating things difficult. If it's not being automated, then remembering to do it can be a challenge as well. I think I've solved it though using PURLs on Adam just added a field that allows pass thru variables on any given purl which opens up a lot of possibilities.
Lou Plummer ☛ Will It Still Be Social?
I've evidently been living under a rock as a budding controversy has been brewing in the Fediverse. There is a two-year old proposal known as FEP-5624: Per-object reply control policies: [...]
Robert Haas ☛ Robert Haas: Mentoring Program for Code Contributors
Yesterday, I announced a call for applications for a new mentoring program for PostgreSQL code contributors that I'm trying to start. I'm posting this on my blog as well for better visibility, and also to offer a few more comments and thoughts on this general topic of mentoring.