Kernel (Linux) and Graphics Leftovers
Kernel Space
Hackaday ☛ Linux Fu: Kernel Modules Have Privileges
I did something recently I haven’t done in a long time: I recompiled the Linux kernel. There was a time when this was a common occurrence. You might want a feature that the default kernel didn’t support, or you might have an odd piece of hardware. But these days, in almost all the cases where you need something like this, you’ll use loadable kernel modules (LKM) instead. These are modules that the kernel can load and unload at run time, which means you can add that new device or strange file system without having to rebuild or even restart the kernel.
Simon Ser ☛ Simon Ser: Status update, June 2024
Hi all!
This status update will be shorter than usual because I had a lot less free time for my open-source projects than usual this month. Indeed, I recently joined SNCF Réseau (the company responsible for the French railway infrastructure) to work on OSRD, an open-source tool to design and operate railway networks. The project’s immediate goal is to fit new freight trains in an existing timetable a few days in advance, but the longer term scope is much larger. Working partly on-site in a big team is quite the change of pace but I like it so far!
Collabora ☛ ElectricMaple: Remote-rendering debuts at AWE 2024
Making its debut this week at Augmented World Expo (AWE) in Long Beach, ElectricMaple is an innovative project by Collabora and PlutoVR designed to enhance standalone XR experiences through remote-rendering.