Open Hardware: Arduino and More
Arduino ☛ Improve laser engraving speeds with an Arduino-controlled turntable
Engraving items with a laser-based system at home is amazingly convenient for one-off parts, but what happens when the production volume needs to increase? For element14 Presents host Clem Mayer, this usually meant preparing many uniform pieces of engraving stock, opening the laser’s enclosure, placing down the material, and then finally running the machine.
Medevel ☛ 16 Best Trending Arduino Medical Projects for 2024
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's designed for anyone making interactive projects, from hobbyists to professionals.
SparkFun Electronics ☛ 2024-06-14 [Older] Precision Fabrication Made Easy
SparkFun Electronics ☛ 2024-06-10 [Older] Get Rewards by Operating a Base Station!
Hackaday ☛ Use Your Thinkpad X1 Tablet’s Keyboard Standalone
Some hacks are implemented well enough that they can imitate involved and bespoke parts with barely any tools. [CodeName X]’s Thinkpad X1 Tablet Keyboard to USB adapter is one such hack – it let’s one reuse, with nothing more than a 3D printed part and a spare USB cable, a keyboard intended for the Thinkpad X1 Tablet (2016 or 2017).