Devices: ESP32, Raspberry Pi, and More
Hackaday ☛ CH32V003 Provides Ultra Cheap Speech Recognition
Speech recognition was once the stuff of science fiction, but it’s now possible with relatively modest hardware. Just how modest, you ask? How about a 10 cent microcontroller?
CNX Software ☛ LILYGO T-Camera-Plus-S3 – An ESP32-S3 powered dev board with night vision camera and touchscreen display
The LILYGO T-Camera-Plus-S3 is an ESP32-S3 development board designed for building smart home devices, monitoring systems, and other connected projects. The board features a 1.3-inch TFT LCD and the option to choose from OV2640 or OV5640 camera modules. The T-Camera-Plus-S3 can be considered an upgrade from the T-Camera S3, which was introduced in 2022.
CNX Software ☛ Dusun DSGW-130 smart home controller fits into an 86-type junction box
The Dusun DSGW-130 smart home controller is a Rockchip PX30-powered, touch-enabled control panel designed to fit into an 86-type junction box. It runs on Android 11 and can connect to your home network using Wi-Fi and Zigbee, similar to the SONOFF NSPanel Pro. The only glaring difference I can see from the specifications is that the DSGW-130 has a few extra features like more storage, a wired network connection, RS485, and support for newer 5GHz Wi-Fi, which the SONOFF doesn’t have.
Jeff Geerling ☛ Testing object detection (yolo, mobilenet, etc.) with picamera2 on Pi 5
Besides the Pi 5 being approximately 2.5x faster for general compute, the addition of other blocks of the Arm architecture in the Pi 5's upgrade to A76 cores promises to speed up other tasks, too.