Programming Leftovers
Qt ☛ Call for Papers – Qt World Summit 2025 in Munich
Qt World Summit is back and bigger than ever!
Qt ☛ Qt for Android Automotive 6.7.1 is released
The latest patch release for Android Automotive 6.7.1 is just released. This release is based on Qt 6.7.1 with 400 bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements to the top of the Qt 6.7 release.
Vedran Miletić: Serverless URL redirects using JavaScript on Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub Pages
As many readers of this blog are already aware, we make great use of GitHub Pages for hosting this website and several others.
Rlang ☛ Unveiling the Power of get_cms_meta_data() in
Hey, R users! 🌟 Today, we’re going to look at a great new addition to the package—the get_cms_meta_data() function! -
Red Hat ☛ A beginner's guide to the Shenandoah garbage collector
This article is a quick introduction to Red Hat's Shenandoah, a high-performance low-pause-time garbage collector. It covers Shenandoah's basic features, use cases, garbage collection (GC) logging, and basic troubleshooting.
Sonny Piers: Workbench News
Workbench is now available on the GNOME nightly repository.
GNU Projects
GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) ☛ Experiments with AppImage
Dev report about AppImage bundling
Mozilla ☛ Mozilla Localization (L10N): Transforming Translations: How LLMs Can Help Improve Mozilla’s Pontoon [Ed: Mozilla outsources to proprietary prison of Microsoft (yet again)]
Imagine a world where language barriers do not exist; a tool so intuitive that it can understand the subtleties of every dialect and the jargon of any industry.
While we’re not quite there yet, advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) are bringing us closer to this vision.