Windows 11, the gift that keeps on giving
Quoting: Windows 11, the gift that keeps on giving —
Once I was "satisfied" with my work, I tested the basic functionality, stability and speed. The system didn't throw odd errors, nothing crashed except winget, and the speed is okay except Windows Explorer. The big issue is the futility and wasted energy. It's like doing work meetings to agree on something that takes exactly three lines of email to do. An unnecessary activity just so that people of diminished capacity can say they participated in important decision making.
On the plus side, my system was in a damaged state - no idea how or why, but I'm quite certain it wasn't due to my tweaking as the one thing I never touched on this system was the Windows Update functionality - and the Assistant fixed it. Windows 11 didn't ruin my privacy state, either - just a wee bit, but way less than I expected, and way less than in the past. Considering how many things I've changed, this is almost okay.
Of course, one cannot just casually forgive or dismiss the problems with Open-Shell or winget, or the bad UI decisions. The best way to summarize it all is - much ado about nothing. Really, I mean, what's the point. Where's the added value for the end user? Anyway, this is the latest piece in my sweet life series. I'm pretty sure it won't be the last. To wit, see you later. Enjoy this article, if you can. Oh, I guess we will get some "AI" nonsense soon, so that should provide. Indeed, a gift that keeps on giving. Stay tuned.