Programming Leftovers
Buttondown ☛ Some notes on for loops
I sometimes like to sharpen the axe by looking at a basic programming concept and seeing what I can pull out. In this case, for loops.
Rlang ☛ A Guide to Removing Multiple Rows in R Using Base R
As data analysts and scientists, we often find ourselves working with large datasets where data cleaning becomes a crucial step in our analysis pipeline. One common task is removing unwanted rows from our data. In this guide, we’ll explore how to efficiently remove multiple rows in R using the base R package.
Niall Murphy ☛ Graceful Degradation and SLOs
Graceful degradation is the idea that, when you can’t serve the user precisely what they wanted, instead of serving the user an error, you serve them some in-between thing.
The details of this depend a lot on what exactly it is you’re trying to do. Let’s look at a few examples.
SequoiaPGP ☛ Blog - Sequoia PGP gets a Bug Bounty Program
The Sequoia PGP project now has a bug bounty program! If you find a novel security-relevant issue in almost any of our libraries, applications, or specifications then you’ll be rewarded with up to €10,000.
Last year, we were invited to join the Sovereign Tech Fund’s new Bug Resilience Program. We accepted, and over the past few months, we’ve been working on designing a bug bounty program. The short version is: if you find an issue in a Sequoia program, library, or specification with a non-zero CVSS score, you’re probably eligible for a reward!
[Repeat] Rlang ☛ How to Remove Rows with Some or All NAs in R
Handling missing values is a crucial aspect of data preprocessing in R. Often, datasets contain missing values, which can adversely affect the analysis or modeling process. One common task is to remove rows containing missing values entirely. In this tutorial, we’ll explore different methods to accomplish this task in R, catering to scenarios where we want to remove rows with either some or all missing values.
Thomas Rigby ☛ Fixing a typo shaved 4 minutes off my Netlify build time
Digging into the issue further surfaced a few other people with similar issues but few solutions. I decided to dedicate a short chunk of time to reading through Zach's repo and comparing it to mine.
Daniel Stenberg ☛ Verified curl
Conceivably, the xz attackers have infiltrated more than one other Open Source project to cover their bases. Which ones?
Trevor Morris ☛ Speeding Up Date Queries
However, I was finding some of the queries were running slow.
First of all, the scope was applying the YEAR(published) where clause twice. This was due to the use of the when() statements. I changed the second condition to ->when($year && ! $month) which meant that the byYear() scope wasn't applied at the same time as byYearAndMonth.
Secondly, instead of of using slow MySQL date functions, I updated the scopes to calculate the required date and use the between where clause.
Jes Olson ☛ my deployment platform is a shell script
when it comes to my own projects, i always prioritize maintainability.
to that end, i built a little deployment system that i run on a single virtual machine - it's a shell script!
University of Toronto ☛ Bash's sadly flawed smart (programmable) completion
Bash has an interesting and broadly useful feature called 'programmable completion' (this has sort of come up before). Programmable completion makes it possible for Bash to auto-complete things like command line options for the current program for you. Unfortunately one flaw in Bash's programmable completion is that it doesn't understand enough Bash command line syntax and so can get in your way.