today's howtos
Juha-Matti Santala ☛ I can :has() cheeseburger
All the most used browsers now support the :has() pseudo-class, which is one of the most exciting additions to CSS in a long time.
Ever since it was announced and added to first builds, I have collected tutorials, blog posts, ideas and use cases from the web so I can share them in this post.
OSTechNix ☛ How To Restore Default Groups To Users In Linux
TecMint ☛ How to Install FreeBSD 14.0 with Static Network IP Address
FreeBSD is utilized by many top-level IT companies such as Juniper Networks, NetApp, Nokia, IBM, etc. It is available for server platforms with a command-line interface only, but users can also install any Linux desktop environment such as Xfce, KDE, GNOME, etc., to create a more user-friendly distribution.
TecMint ☛ Ubuntu 22.04: Set Up a Local Package Cache with Apt-Cacher-NG
Let’s say you have a small network with a few computers attached to it, and you want to install and update software packages on each system manually. Then, it would be a difficult and time-consuming task.