today's howtos
OSTechNix ☛ Varia – A Simple Linux Download Manager Based on Aria2
TecMint ☛ How to Use Awk for Text Filtering with Pattern-Specific Actions – Part 3
Sometimes, when filtering text, you want to indicate certain lines from an input file or lines of strings based on a given condition or using a specific pattern that can be matched. Doing this with Awk is very easy, it is one of the great features of Awk that you will find helpful.
TecMint ☛ Smem – Reports Memory Consumption Per-Process and Per-User in Linux
In this how-to guide, we will explore a smem reporting tool that can help you report memory consumption on a per-process and per-user basis in a Linux environment.
Seth Michael Larson ☛ Websites without servers or networking
Everyone in tech at one point has joked about serverless websites actually using servers behind the scenes. This isn't that, this is web content you can access with a URL that doesn't require any networking.
Ryan Mulligan ☛ The Fifty-Fifty Split and Overflow
In the 50/50 flexbox layout demo, the flex-basis value represents how tight the section elements within the container can get before wrapping. flex-grow: 1 insists these sections grow beyond their flex-basis value to equally fill the inline space. Once the container becomes too narrow, the two sections will stack.
Leon Mika ☛ Photo Bucket Galleries and Using the HTML Popover API
I did need to add some modals to the UI, such as the New Gallery model that’s shown for the gallery name. This gave me the opportunity to try out the new popover API. And yeah, it does exactly what it says on the tin: add the popover attribute to an element and it becomes a working popover (at least in the latest version of Vivaldi). Must say it’s impressive that this is now possible with HTML alone.
University of Toronto ☛ The flow of activity in the ZFS Intent Log (as I understand it)
The ZFS Intent Log (ZIL) is a confusing thing once you get into the details, and for reasons beyond the scope of this entry I recently needed to sort out the details of some aspects of how it works. So here is what I know about how things flow into the ZIL, both in memory and then on to disk.
Nico Cartron ☛ Moving my Linux mail server to OpenBSD.Amsterdam
As I explained in previous articles here, here or here, I decided a few months back to migrate as much stuff as possible to *BSD, so of course my Linux server, running on an OVH dedicated machine for a few years, was part of that scope.
I decided to go with OpenBSD.Amsterdam following a recommendation from Michał Sapka.
Serving a Website From a Git Repo Without Cloning It - mediocregopher's lil web corner
It's fairly common to use git repositories as a vehicle for serving websites. The webdev pushes their changes to some branch of a publicly available git repository, and some web server somewhere serves the current tip of that branch as the website. Github Pages would be the most famous example of this.
The domani reverse proxy also supports serving a website from a git repository. It previously did so by automatically cloning the repository locally, and periodically pulling changes down. This worked fine enough, but I figured it could be simplified further such that no local state is required except the current hash of the desired branch. This post is going to explain how this can be done by first guiding you through git's internals a bit.
Linux Buzz ☛ How to Install SonarQube with Docker Compose on Ubuntu 22.04
In this blog post, we will cover how to install Sonarqube with docker Compose on Ubuntu 22.04