today's howtos
University of Toronto ☛ What we use ZFS on Linux's ZED 'zedlets' for
One of the components of OpenZFS is the ZFS Event Daemon ('zed'). Old ZFS hands will understand me if I say that it's the OpenZFS equivalent of the Solaris/Illumos fault management system as applied to ZFS; for other people, it's best described as ZFS's system for handling (kernel) ZFS events such as ZFS pools experiencing disk errors. Although the manual page obfuscates this a bit, what ZED does is it runs scripts (or programs in general) from a particular directory, normally /etc/zfs/zed.d, choosing what scripts to run for particular events based on their names. OpenZFS ships with a number of zedlets ('zedlet' is the name for these scripts), and you can add your own, which we do in our ZFS fileserver environment.
Pi My Life Up ☛ How to set up a Simple NAS on Ubuntu
While there are better solutions for setting up a NAS, such as Unraid, TrueNAS, and OpenMediaVault, sometimes these are too complicated for some users. They also mean giving up your device to run purely as a NAS.
HowTo Forge ☛ How to Install Mastodon Social Network on Debian 12
Mastodon is a free, decentralized, and open-source social network. It was created as an alternative to Twitter. Just like Twitter people can follow each other, and post messages, images, and videos. But unlike Twitter, there is no central store or authority for the content.
Ubuntubuzz ☛ How To Resize and Shrink Hard Disk Partitions using GParted