Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
Idiomdrottning ☛ Network externalities
I like to kid around that my setup (a generated static site on Nginx + IMAP + SMTP + XMPP + ActivityPub + Atom + git + some stuff I’m probably forgetting), since it’s hosted on a VPS, it has all the drawbacks of a cloud service while also being more expensive and I need do all the work and take on all the risks.
Rlang ☛ Factor Analysis in R workshop
Description: This workshop will go through the basics of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis in the R programming language. Factor Analysis is a valuable statistical technique widely used in Psychology, Economics, Political Science, and related disciplines that allows us to uncover the underlying structure of our data by reducing it to coherent factors. The workshop will heavily (but not exclusively) utilize the “psych” and “lavaan” packages in R. Although open to everyone, a beginner level familiarity with R and some background/interest in survey data analysis will be ideal to make the most out of this workshop.
Web Servers
James G ☛ Adventures in nginx caching and redirects
I run a service that lets you create a sparkline that shows your MediaWiki contribution history. I use this tool to show how many contributions I have made to the IndieWeb wiki on my home page. Here is an example of a sparkline from the tool: [...]