Programming Leftovers
James G ☛ Small, dependable scripts
I have a task at work that involves ingesting blog posts, parsing the titles, and ingesting them from one content management system to another. This script enables showing related blog posts to content on another website. For this task, I wrote a small script. The script is small, but dependable. It saves me hours of work.
The script uses RSS to retrieve information about each blog post. Then, the script uses the API from another content management system to upload the content. There is no specific cadence for running this script, other than our knowing we have significant new content that we want to appear on our main website.
Rlang ☛ Usage shares of programming languages in economics research
My shiny app Finding Economics Articles with Data contains meanwhile over 8000 economic articles with replication packages.
Rlang ☛ Reversion to the Mean: Unraveling a Pervasive Misconception in Business and Beyond
In the realm of business and leadership, one statistical phenomenon often goes unrecognized yet significantly influences our understanding of performance and success.
[Old] Darren Burns ☛ The Piece Table
Despite being an almost ubiquitous feature of modern text editors, it remains relatively poorly documented. In this article, I’ll explain how a piece table is structured, why they’re used, and how your text editor interacts with it as you edit files.
[Old] Beej ☛ Beej's Guide to Network Programming: Using Internet Sockets
Hello, one and all! This is my little how-to guide on network programming using Internet sockets, or "sockets programming", for those of you who prefer it. The sockets API, though started by the Berkeley folk, has been ported to many many platforms, including Unix, Linux, and even Windows.
Unfortunately, it can be a little, um, "much" to digest the API, but as long as you know some C or C++, this guide should springboard you into the realm of network programming with hopefully as little hassle as humanly possible!
Airsequel ☛ Airsequel 0.7 - Functions, Generated Columns, Admin API, and more!
Functions are a way to run code in response to triggers / events. For this first release we added support for HTTP requests as a trigger. In the future we will add support for more triggers, such as database changes and CRON jobs.