today's howtos
Raspberry Pi ☛ If you found a Raspberry Pi in your Christmas stocking, read this
You can do all kinds of things with a Raspberry Pi — learn programming, build a robot, make a greenhouse monitor. But they also do everything ordinary familiar laptop and desktop computers do. And if you’re just starting out, you’ll probably want to begin by setting up your Pi with a microSD card (which does the job that a hard drive does in a bigger computer), a display, a mouse, and a keyboard.
University of Toronto ☛ Standards often provide little guidance for handling 'bad' content
In a comment on my entry on what I think SMTP Smuggling enables, Leah Neukirchen noted something important, which is that SMTP messages that contain a CR or a LF by itself aren't legal: [...]
University of Toronto ☛ Systemd will block a service's start if you manually restart it too fast
The traditional way to have systemd stop starting a service is for it to have a 'Restart=' setting with no restart delay, and then to fail on startup. Sometimes it's failing on start because your machine is out of memory; sometimes it's because you've made an error in its configuration files. However, if you read the actual documentation for StartLimitIntervalSec and StartLimitBurst, they don't say they're limited to the 'Restart=' case. Here's what they say, emphasis mine: [...]
OSTechNix ☛ Display Animated Christmas Tree In Terminal